

We acknowledge the generous support of Kid Risk, Inc. by the following organizations:

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

“Integrated Modeling to Support the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) and Management of Other Vaccine Preventable Diseases” (Cooperative Agreement NU2RGH001915, April 2021-April 2026).

“Integrated Economic, Dynamic Disease, Risk and Decision Analytic Modeling of Global and Domestic Policy Issues for Polio” (Cooperative Agreement U2RGH001913, April 2016-April 2021).

“Support of Decision Making for Global Switch from tOPV to bOPV Using Integrated Modeling” (Contract 200-2015-M-63078, July 2015-June 2016).

“Characterization of Outbreak Response Strategies and Forecasting of Vaccine Stockpile Needs for the Polio Endgame” (Contract 200-2015-M-61344, November 2014-October 2015).

“Integrated Economic, Dynamic Disease, Risk and Decision Analytic Modeling” (Cooperative Agreement U66IP000519, September 2011-August 2014).

“Quantification of the Role of Secondary OPV Exposure for Different Serotypes in Providing Population Immunity” (Contract 200-2010-M-35172, July 2010-January 2011).

“Trends in the Risk of U.S. Polio Outbreaks and Poliovirus Vaccine Availability for Response” (Contract 200-2010-M-33679, March 2010-June 2010).

“Review of Polio Immunity States as a Function of Exposure to Live and Inactivated Polioviruses and Implications for Improving Dynamic Modeling of Poliovirus Transmission” (Contract 200-2010-M-33379, January 2010-July 2010).

“Assessment of the Value of Global Polio Vaccination and Willingness-to-Pay” (Cooperative Agreement 5U66IP000169, November 2007-October 2010).

“Joint Initiative in Vaccine Economics (JIVE) Projects I and II” (Co-PI on Cooperative Agreements U50CCU300860 and 3U01IP000029, PI on global health component, September 2001-September 2008).

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

“Characterizing Uncertainty in Long-term Poliovirus Risks to Support Further Research and Risk Management Decisions” (Grant INV-009333 / OPP1129391, May 2015-April 2023).

“Using Models to Support Planning and Management Activities for the Polio Endgame” (Contract 4533-25298, February 2014-February 2015). “Benefits of Investing in the Polio Endgame” (Contract 4533-23446, March 2013-January 2014).

“Accelerating Eradication: Development of an Optimization Tool to Cost-Effectively Achieve Optimal Population Immunity and Track Progress” (Contract 4533-21031, January 2012-December 2012).

“Identification of Decision Options and Strategies for Achieving the Eradication of Wild Polioviruses Phase II” (Contract 4533-18487, January 2011-December 2011).

“Identification of Decision Options and Strategies for Achieving the Eradication of Wild Polioviruses Phase I” (Contract 4533-17492, January 2010-August 2010).

World Health Organization (WHO)

"Modeling the benefits of 50 years of polio vaccine in the Expanded Program on Immunization” (PI, WHO Registration 2023/1423795-0 and 2023/1423800-0, December 2023-February 2024)

“Modeling the Costs and Benefits of Temporary Recommendations for Poliovirus Exporting Countries to Vaccinate International Travelers” (Co-PI, WHO Registration 2016/670796-0 with the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, October 2016-January 2017).

“The Development of Measles Eradication and Mortality Reduction Investment Cases With and Without Rubella” (WHO Registration 2011/181545-0 and 2012/217414-0 with the Expanded Programme on Immunization, October 2011-October 2013).

“Development of an Extended Dynamic Model for Poliovirus Transmission for Analysis of OPV Cessation Timing and Post-Eradication Outbreak Response Issues” (WHO Registration 2009/23464-0 and 2010/62760-0 with the Polio Research Committee, April 2009-December 2011).

Annie E. Casey Foundation

“Corporate Commitment to Children” (2004).

“Do Kids Count in the Board Room?” (2002).


Kids Risk Project, Harvard University, Unrestricted gifts from private individuals and corporations (2000-2010).

MIT Lincoln Laboratory, “Urban Biodefense Initiative” (2003-2004).

Chlorine Chemistry Council, “Development of a Guide to Aid in the Evaluation of Communications of Health-Related Scientific Information” (1998-1999).

Public Health Advisory Board, “Analysis of cost-effectiveness strategies for children and of federal resource allocations for children's health” (1998).