
Dominika Kalkowska, MS

Dominika is a mathematician with a background in financial and actuarial mathematics (undergraduate studies), as well as in risk and environmental modeling (master's degree). Currently, she focuses on using integrated modeling to help inform global public health policies, and the management of undetected circulation of polioviruses in high-risk areas and the implications for surveillance.

Career Highlights

Kid Risk, Inc.

Research Scientist

Research on system dynamics, stochastic modeling, and optimization to help inform global public health policies.

Wageningen Bioveterinary Research

Mathematical Modeller

Quantitative veterinary epidemiology and risk assessment with the focus on transmission modeling of bovine viral diarrhea and bovine herpes virus in the Netherlands, as well as influence of proximity to livestock farms on community-acquired pneumonia diagnosis and other health effects.

Technische Universiteit Delft

Graduate Student

Modelling and understanding population immunity to polio virus transmission using differential-equation based dynamic transmission and oral polio vaccine evolution model, and its influence on undetected circulation and eradication of polio virus using stochastic transformation of that model and simplified model representation of acute flaccid paralysis and environmental surveillance systems.